Wednesday, 11 March 2009


Haha say say say~im back woo~

sorry mkn td hee..tym ani d wywy mkn ma lolok ya mnta dgni hee..cian lolok sakit parut nya lum bek well soon lok..

talking abt phasetest result drop uhu..akibat bljr last apa i wont lose for this phasetest 3..aha staie xp

oryt thats all for now..

xoxo, steveeoo..haha ingat ceta gossip girl..aha xD

Reporting in

Say say say~updating blog woo~..

haha 2nd tym update pkai my hp KS360..aha sabar sja nada wireless d umh..*sigh*..xp..

update ni pn c nannie yg suruh..ya pajal aku update wahh..='(..haha nada deh jk..xp..just a positive responce yg ya suruh update kai hp..apa kn aha..

well tdi pg at skewl na bljr tpi bwt assignment plc..c cam round2 lyt urg nya ladder diagram..sal ya tkt cam..

managed to abis kn ladder diagram ku..haha yg cam ckp kn sama..'eh apa ni sama~'..c cam cmplain2 haha..


Monday, 2 March 2009

Late update

Say say say~woo~btah dah na update aha xp.wireless free drmh kna bg password dh.*sigh*aha lalalalaa~

esk xm electronics uhu havent read a single things..krg th blajar..anyway goodluck to all my classmate hee..

thats all for today xp