Saturday, 8 November 2008

Happy Birthday

NaNNie~~hehe hope its not too late and not too early to say happy birthday ehehe..

Friday, 7 November 2008

The Crims

i have a few tips to prevent STD..hehe..

  1. just go to nightclub/raveparty.
  2. take light drugs like booze.
  3. 50 booze = 100%, eg your stamina = 2% so just take 48/49..well depend coz 1 booze = 2% of stamina.
  4. just go to your local nightclub; MID nightclub o MID nightclub 2 -- both tu aku pnya club..jst made it for you aku bwt description nya expensive nada urg mau masuk hehe bnr nya murah plg tu XD..this will prevent from someone to assault kmu k ehe
  5. okay, after taking 2 trip of booze..ull notice that the 3rd trip was abit 50 boozee = 70%..
  6. solution for no5, just goto hostipal and cure ur 2 methadone..
  7. ur addition will decrease..
  8. finally..keep following this steps okay geng..ehe
and more thing..if u met someone at the nightlife just simply goto to hospital and change your prevent from being assault~~XD

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


Well there is a few things that made me shock today..

  1. my EPE result..65%..
  2. accidentally met Ct at soon lee in front of ayamku , pretty nervous until i couldn't read the door sign says "TARIK WAH BAIE"..that was embarassing~~
  3. dayat was there too
i shocked the most on no.2, i was sitting and ate my meal then ct showed up and waved at me while i was chewing the makanan..aha..i couldn't breath for awhile..hee..but glad to see her tho..XD

Monday, 3 November 2008

The Crims New Round starting SOON

By tomorrow, 11pm/12am sharp, the crims new round will start. Enjoy the game peeps. LINK

Sunday, 2 November 2008

my best photos of the last month

tau kmu napa sabrah famous? nah gmbr nya knpa ya famous..ahaha..ada pnyakit m..ahaha jk
cm kn napau c nannie a..aha
eyaaa c boy liat nya c yus~~~atu gay~~ahahaaha
nah abg Charm..nut some more..pewittt~
c sab ia nmpk c yus sama c irdi & c boy..nyahaha :P
sooo sweettt~~~~~~ahaha yus2..
toh c yus mana cukup satu ahaha~~so sweet~~~~again~!!!ahahahah gay
aha c ajid liat jubur~nyahaha
yus XY..kmi tjmpa ya d utan ah..cian~~..
5/5 for this pic...sabree and the big straw...
nahhh~~~jurugambar inda BLESEN~~~ahaha suka hati nya gmbr2 urg ahhaa